Returns & Exchanges
Kindly note that all sales are final as these items are made to order. We do not accept returns or exchanges.
Damages & Issues
Please inspect your order upon reception. if there's an error on our part or you receive a defective product, please contact us within 48 hours of the Delivery date with supporting photos and a screenshot of your order confirmation email for resolution. We're committed to providing refunds or replacements for any mistakes made on our end. Contact
Upon receipt of your email, we will respond promptly and accordingly and make sure your replacement is placed and sent out. If a replacement item is not available, we will refund the full retail price.
Your satisfaction is our number one priority. Please let us know how we are doing and how we can improve.
Wrong Sizing
Ensure accurate sizing by referring to our size chart before finalizing your order. We cannot accept responsibility for incorrect sizing selections made by the customer.
We thank you for understanding this policy!